The statistics taken from the Social Welfare Department of Malaysia shows that among 25 million Malaysians there are 45,365 people with physical disabilities. Most of them need specialized devices such as prosthetics and orthotics to help them continue living normal lives.
A prosthesis is an artificial body part that is used to replace a lost biological organ or limb and the most frequent type of device used by the disabled are lower limb prostheses. Orthoses are specialized mechanical devices used to support or to supplement weakened or abnormal joints or limbs.
The Biomedical Engineering (Prosthetics and Orthotics) course of University of Malaya was launched with the 2009/2010 session intake and it is the first degree course in Malaysia that offers a Category One level training program as per the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics’ (ISPO) classification. We are the pioneer batches of this program hope to be able to lay the groundwork for future generations of Category One Certified Prosthetists and Orthotists (CPO) in Malaysia.
- To develope professional and dynamic Certificied Prosthetic and Orthotic Engineers through industrial exposure.
- To create public awareness of the field of prosthetics and orthotics.
- To eradicate disability.
- To increase the public's quality of life through community service.
- Untuk menbentuk Jurutera Prostetik dan Ortotik Berdaftar yang professional dan dinamik melalui pendedahan industri.
- Untuk mewujudkan kesedaran tentang bidang prostetik dan ortotik di kalangan masyarakat.
- Untuk membaikpulih ketidakupayaan.
- Untuk meningkatkan kualiti hidup orang awam melalui khidmat masyarakat.